La chair est faible
12 months ago - 13.05.2023
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A change of affection

'I don't know you anymore,' I thought, as whiffs of Lattafa's Oud Mood wafted about me, 'you've changed. You're not as electric and enthralling as you used to be.'
'I don't recognise you nowadays... What happened to the chypre I used to know?' I
glowered, hurling accusations at Grès' Cabochard.
'Wow... You are divine! How did I ever find you charmless and uninteresting?' I gasped  gasped to whiffs of Elizabeth Arden's Always Red holding me captive.
'Oh my dear, I loved you then and I love you still,' I declared to Jean Patou's Vacances, as we reunited after more than half a year apart.

Have you ever like me, found yourself having a change of affections? Did you spend some time away from a fragrance you loved, something you believed would stay in your collection for all time, only to return to it and wonder if it changed, or if it was you, growing apart from it?
A nomad for eight months, I was forced to leave a lot of my perfume bottles behind as I made my way to a more tropical coastline. I curate a rather modest collection (on comparison), so it wasn't too much of a hardship to choose the full bottles that would escape the harsh winter with me- Jean Louis Scherrer's JLS, Giorgio Beverly Hills' Blue, Rasasi's Shaghaf femme, Ahmed al Maghribi's Bidun Esam and Roberto Capucci's Capucci Extreme with perfume oils of Rasasi's Romance and Esraa. These bottles weren't all my utmost favourites, but they were the fragrances I was most curious to try in the tropical heat.
Having spent too long apart, I was brimming with excitement to return to the loves I had left behind. But the welcome was a shocking discovery. I came to realise that in my time away, with the new fragrances I tested, loved, and acquired, I had had a change of affections. Distance had not made my heart grow fonder for some particular types of fragrances, while it had amplified my appreciation for others. Enough of me, tell me about yourself.
What started you on your fraghead journey? Where are you now? Have you have remained faithful to the wild and wonderful types of scents that held your heart? I'd like to know.

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