

ShapsBerg 3 months ago 5
The scent of a reliable man
This fragrance is and always will be firmly etched into my olfactory memory. My father has been using this fragrance my whole life, and he still renounces any futile naive attempt made by my mother, me or any friend or family to introduce him to a new scent.

Some may say this stubbornness is annoying, but I commend it... For this proves to me two undoubtedly obvious things:

1. This fragrance is as reliable as it can get, it has accompanied my father through the best and the worst of times, through weddings, funerals, long work-days and joy-filled weekends. It has been there, accompanying this man on his journey through life. It has given him the comfort and self esteem when he had to take risks or make tough decisions, but it has also given him the edge to be a fun-loving playful father that he is to me.

2. This is how a man that embodies everything my father is to me smells like, and I would not wish my dad to smell any other way than this.

Platinum Egoiste has been the sole fragrance that sparked my interest in perfumery, it is a scent that symbolises everything a reliable, well-put together, well-mannered, elegant, sophisticated and, nonetheless, loving masculine figure is supposed to be like.

I have always had a mental image of myself as that kind of man, because that´s the man my dad is for me and my family. When I spray Platinum Egoiste, I feel like I am that man. I feel sure of my abilities, I feel sure that I can handle everything that comes my way, and I feel like my dad is there to give me advice if that is needed.

Platinum Egoiste, according to my beautiful girlfriend, smells like someone you can trust, the man that will hug you and tell you that everything is going to be ok, and that is exactly the man I want to be.
ShapsBerg 1 year ago 2
Autumn / Winter signature
After discovering Costume National Homme a couple of months ago, i recently embarked on an exploration of CN perfumes. My verdict is that they are a severely, and i mean severely underrated house that produces amazing fragrances that should be up there with certain niche brands.

This fragrance to my nose is very identical to PDM layton, just with a more leathery touch. Longevity is impressive, i have sprayed it on before work and it is still going strong at the end of the day. To me this can easily, without any shred of doubt be a solid autumn / winter signature scent. I now certainly know that among a number of solid fragrances i have, this will be one of my most used once this winter, and i can allready see myself picking up a backup bottle.

The only downside i can see about this fragrance is bottle design, i would love it to be in the same bottle shape as Costume National Homme or Soul, but with the same gradient coloration.