

Siouxsie 7 months ago 3
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Chocolate - suitable for vegans and diabetics
Do you know these no name - chocolate cherries á la Mon Cherry? My grandma had stacks of them stored in her cupboard... and yes: I didn't exactly prefer them to the other Ferrero products in my youth. However, if there was nothing else available, then I also polished them off.... , because chocolate is better in each form than no chocolate!
Back to the stacks: Since the chocolate cherries then nevertheless the one or other summer remained there, the chocolates dried out somewhat and developed this slightly whitish veil on the chocolate surface...
Long story short: Exactly this olfactory impression of dark, dry chocolate with alcoholic impact I catch at the initial sniff. The alcohol note withdraws after a few minutes, but remains present for some time and gives the dark, almost black chocolate an interesting twist. For hours, the fragrance lasts so and then becomes minimally sweeter and rounder by the vanilla and tonka.
So this is a vegan and diabetic friendly chocolate, without any milky or very sweet scents.
I'm not sure if "Wicked Good | Gallagher Fragrances" would be too one-dimensional for me as a fragrance, but for layering it is definitely a perfect candidate... because everything is better with chocolate :)!
Siouxsie 7 months ago 3 2
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"Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire....
at your desire."
Unfortunately, I can not say that now ... This birth of Venus does not correspond to my desire so at all and is the divine namesake in no way just. Perhaps I should not have put the bar too high after this song and the eponymous razor. The latter is after all the price-performance ratio always just - the fragrance, however, in my opinion not.
He starts very sweet, individual notes are hard to make out, most likely still the raspberry. The target group that I could imagine here would be teenage girls, because the fragrance seems very girly and makes rather the impression of a rather arbitrary designer fragrance. It has little to do with the goddess of love. It is perhaps rather a childish gesture, a mischievous look in the eyes, a quiet giggle among girls, when an attractive boy runs past.
Just as fleeting as this moment seems to be the durability of the fragrance. He quickly retreats and becomes skin deep after a few hours...
And at this moment, it becomes almost unbearable for me personally. It reminds me of a relevant room fragrance. With this spray I have years ago covered the smell that remained when my dog had made once in the apartment and all cleaning was not enough to get rid of the fecal smell.
Now not everyone will have such a repulsive association to this smell, but just the similarity to this air freshener is enough, in my opinion, to deny the fragrance the comparison to the birth of Venus.