

StephDepress 1 year ago 1
A Cherry out of the Urban Wilderness
Right off the bat, if you’re looking for a ‘lost cousin’ of this cherry fragrance, you’re sniffing up the wrong tree, This beast has never been anywhere near a tree.
I surprised myself with how much I love this stuff. It’s POWERFUL. Oudy, a Thai Oud, slightly raunchy, thrusty, woody. The Cherry is the LOUD post-agricultural variety that is more of a reflection or an industrialized idea of a cherry than the real thing. A cherry bounced back through the isles of consumer products like haribo-sweets, gummy bears, lip-balm, one that is more at home in a night-club or in a city park-lavatory. The cherry lingers with those woodsy notes all the way through. You can apply this conservatively in the evening before you hit the pub, fresh slightly citrusy… And at 5am when you stagger out of the clubs, this cherry will still be there at your side to carry you, warm, comforting, rich, maybe a bit of rose, vanilla, nutmeg and cocktail-boozy. Alternatively, if you live in the country, you will catch whiffs of this around you for ages, and in your clothes for a few days. This was not how I expected it. For me, it was like finding a real fun and personable playmate from well outside of my ‘normal’ social group. I’m sooo glad I got this! imao Aaron Terence Hughes is a fantastic perfumer, hedonistic, clubby, one to take with you into the madness that we live in.