

TicodzillaTicodzilla 4 years ago
This is my first review and above all I hope you will excuse any problem with my English, as it is not my mother tongue.
I am not a dedicated perfumer, I am just a perfume lover.
I am motivated to do this review because I love the original, which by the way I have a new one that I take care of like a treasure, but I just bought this fragrance version 2020 and when doing an objective analysis it seems really good, elegant, balanced of the best in this season in designer perfumes; and I think it certainly deserves a fair analysis.
It is a very easy-to-use fragrance and is a firm option to a signature fragrance.
In my opinion, this change in the note of the Iris is reflecting a change that was necessary due to the tendencies of the current man's conception, seen from the perspective of a fashion house like Dior.
SüchtigSüchtig 4 years ago
Ein herzliches willkommen bei den
Duft ver-rückten. Schönes schnüffeln wünsch ich