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Ulli2 5 years ago 6 2
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Autumn weather I don't like.
My goodness, it's one of the last days of October.
It pours out all the jugs and my beloved Benni
Is sick.
Eternally the dog is very wet when he is because of his
Bladder and ureter disorder, must get out and in!
Of course it will be dry terested and if necessary x-rayed.
I need a cheer up bad, 'cause
At night we, my husband and I, are on our feet to let Benni into the garden. With almost no success... he can hardly leave water < br />
Poor guy's got meds. We're just waiting for them to work

Yeah, what's helping me? Searching my gaze strokes over my treasures, from beautiful flacons.
Yes, further back the bottle with the Panther... which was in the USA and which was at the airport
at the control passage, almost caused the first marital quarrel on vacation..
But :-) juhu I convinced the control officer with charm .
With raised index finger you warned, because of no liquids, the bottle should have been disposed of.
But the lady of control seemed interested in the smell ,ohhh a Cartier a fragrance spray she was not averse ...
Grinning and it was an absolute success! Laughing and joking about the great scent !
A whole basket of dried fruit suddenly stood between us on the little handbag table and contents seemed to matter!
The lady twisted hypnotizes her eyes and
holding the bottle in her hand in ecstasy.
If it is allowed, then came the question to spray again!
I laughed and sprayed on desired games!

Puhh the face of my husband relaxed slowly... he had waited offside.
It doesn't happen to him, no. It had happened without attracting attention.
A creepy, homey warm scent now stood between me and the officer! he solved the problem and I could draw with perfume.

So exactly, I'll spray it!..There it would have been relaxing.

The smell of musk with the fruit scents of strawberry and apricot, is fruity warm and
To the sweet, bitter, full fragrance,
the warm forest scent of oakmoss fits !
Such a heavenly aroma has not only positively influenced the airport official in the stimulation .
Also my motivation and mood rose from one spray ...to the other! Of course not near Bennis.
I hope my Benni gets better soon.
And the drugs are working.
Right now I'd be getting something drier
Weather much help.
The way I like it, it would be fine, cold and dry!!
Maybe with a little sunshine.

Ulli2 5 years ago 8 5
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The woods are already colourful...
An elegantly styled package to the morning
Dog running, the content in the pocket of the Barbour
Jacket, between dog treats and pipe it now has its place!
My Newfoundlander is waiting and I'm throwing
me in my dog run - Outfit !
So now, one more spray for happy running.
Well ... where did I get it ... oh yes in the depths of the bag ... the White Flakönchen is found .ohh very pretty.
Ben's already at the door and I've got time .
to still motivate me with my fragrance companion!
Wow ... the greeting is very warm
And... very spicy !
A cheerful bark, challenges me to finally set my luxury body in motion! Fits the fragrance ...
Said done. Swoop the front door closed and my still blooming roses praised, the magnificent on the house wall of our old half-timbered house
climb up!
A fine fragrance reaches my nose...
But not only from real roses... from my back of the hand gorgeous nuances of rose scent stream towards me!
Weave themselves with the scent of my climbing rose!
Let's go, our morning round is always something for soul and mind!
It is still very fresh and the air vibrates before energy
Streaming ,Autumn scents !
Directly in front of my front door is a beautiful valley, the Bömbachtal... the stream flows gurgling through mown meadows!
Ben jumps off cheerfully and will pay his respects to the stream, no matter if warm or cold!
It is fun for me about the still baptism damp meadows
To stride!
It is slightly windy and I always get scents of my new scent.
Its radiant warmth of cinnamon and sandalwood interweaves with the scent of the beginning forest! Hmmmm is that fine ...
.....soo Ben comes out trotted
And hmmm , ohhh how fine ..shakes right next to me , the water from his fur!
Hop, my goodness. Cold. brrrr...a raspberry tendril at the wayside, slows my progress... single
Dried-up ones serve the birds as vitamin and Genusshappen.they sit still brightly ,pink
at the Ranke.
Ben is punished ... no the forest begins ... on a leash!
What a change of air
Grade still very light and equate
Now dull and warm and heavy!smell of mushrooms
and rotting foliage ..,musky!
This peace and quiet a pleasure for the soul .
Also my fragrance companion smells similar in this forest climate, soft warm, attractively cuddly!
A little musty, earthy, I think from Amber.
With a slightly sweet touch, the soil is adorned with coloured leaves and still smells of the end of summer
A woodpecker begins with his work and also for me it is time to start the way back with my dog treasure!
But not getting near the creek again,
one shower is enough:-))
Ulli2 5 years ago 9 5
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Stars like sand by the sea or in NY Chinatown
Here especially the scent of China Town !!
A beautiful star painted with floralem
Chin. Flower pattern!
The largest collection of Chin. Population there are listed up to 150 000 people estimated ,black even more...
A city within a city.
Colorful, bustling, overcrowded, not always good smelling especially in the time when the sun pops ..in May
an indefinable odor lay over that

Insane, many small shops, colorful
I'm messing up. ¶
Here the fish shop... with a Schwupp
If the owner just pours fish water into the kerbstone of the sidewalk... light scents of it
If the air impregnates, beside it the fruit merchant, cuts straight his deep-red, giant melon apart.
in the next window of a shop hang plucked
Some people get dull in their stomach because of the looks
From half pigs...

Among them then also shops with fine spices
Great spices in all imaginable bright colours

Yes and then the ones most frequented by visitors
Shops with incense sticks, fine oils and perfuser
Bubbles Chin, fragrance mixtures on the road

Since some remember the ingredients
From Bonds China Town you have to live the scent.
The ingredients all belong in the mix, easy to Bonds China!
Fresh flower scent from the small
Flower boutique
Peonies . Peach blossoms, gardenia
Wood that mixes with the opposite incense sticks that are blown into the air by blowing machines!
Sandalwood mixed with sweet vanilla.
Cedar a little more bitter, with that of Chinese
Dearly beloved Patchouli ... is almost not missing in any smoking mixture!
Then very elegant and super fragrant the tuberose

Tuberose oil one of the most expensive ingredients, very sweet almost numbing its fragrance is described!
But insanely erotic and addictive machend‼️

The way almost all bond scents fascinate me.
Since they are all associated with certain places and moods!
It is only more beautiful if everything affects itself on site

The CHINATOWN is one that is loved by many,
Because he's telling a story,
That will be long remembered ...
Ulli2 5 years ago 6 3
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"Eat good cherries"....‼️‼️
Is called an old saying, when the mood of someone
Suuper good ist‼️
I have to think of my attending, the intensive care!
He liked to drive for his life missions with the emergency doctor
At this time was just the Randevou principle
It was like the ambulance with paramedics
Always come from the closest control center that is free!
In the Ruhr area a buzz !
The emergency but with a paramedic
From the hospital on duty !
So it was given that very fast help was on site !
My named Mr. Senior Physician
Had a passion,grade for Schalke‼️

"Schalker Stadium, then Arena!"
S04 the pot club his favorite!

From there emergency calls often came, because of suspicion of heart attack!
After each use, with good output
Was our boss in a really good mood... Human life gerettet‼️
There was ordered food, the bill took over
Our boss!

It was at the time, really good to eat cherries with

Well, he could also drive differently, cholerisch from the skin..., if the smallest bit, with the expiration of certain Reanimations measures, did not agree!
♥️ Thinking of a very, very good doctor who also put his life into the service of his patients !
Cordial, but also edgy!♥️

But now to the cherries...
An insane scent explosion, after Grandma Irmgards
Beloved superimposed, from our plunging
Donisens cherries!
A fragrance that is sweet and fruity, radiantly plump, captures the user. Irmgard's secret spices were always added to the cherries, some of them were written down in writing
There was, among other things, grated tonka bean... Ui not too much, toxic, in larger quantities..
Vanilla must not be missing, therefore the warm and sweet Smell!
Bitter almonds give the pronounced kick...
Can also be found in marzipan!
But also only one trace...
Don't forget the rose,
maybe the beautiful Gloria Dei... uncanny beautiful scent of an old variety!
I still remember very well...sniffing all this in my fragrance cocktail!
But it does not only remain with this ingredient
Here was very finely underpainted with finest woods
The intensity strengthened, long-lasting and lasting
with vetiver, a sweetgrass with great
Med. Soothing effect, solving...against depessions.... Autumn depression:-))
But also regenerating and anabolic!
If you're nervous, ground the scent!
Thesmell always recognizable ... I like him ... but for some he does not go at all ...
Also the, would help with an emergency doctor employment, helping by itself spreading classification.
But we can also use them all :-))
My perfumes all have
A medical Nutzen‼️
They'll be there for sel.. Concerns again and again
Though I don't buy them specifically
after that,but I'll find out very quickly!
I'm also a herb mouse :-)...

Thanks again to a lovely perfume
Which made me addicted to this ELEXIER by your commi ,....♥️

Ulli2 5 years ago 12 3
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"Bath of the Goddess "DIA"

Slide ...
The Divine
To be found in mythology... a connection with father of the gods Zeus.
This slide, made in liquid form, for a deity...

From the clarifying collection of ethereal fragrances.
This im
Possession of a radiantly beautiful goddess!
A daydream that shines with elegance,
with given by nature
Rose blossoms, shimmering like red gems, with a wonderful scent, reminiscent of love and devotion.
Warm and very intense.
Playful orange blossom in addition, rather mild and tender.
It smells of radiant cleanliness
of sage and tarragon ,
Cleaning and clarifying, with incense
and woods .
Creamy with vanilla and musk.

The one with flowers of peach and peony,crowned,
for a goddess ready scented bath,
Should every day also for you a
Be heavenly pleasure.

Revel like goddess Dia

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