
10 Reviews

Pleasant musky floral
While wearing this I was reminded of Prada L’Homme and Dior Homme Eau. I think this smells of higher quality, projects and lasts a little longer, but still a good fragrance. If you asked me while owning one of the two designers mentioned above if I need this my answer would be no. If I didn’t own DHE and was looking for something in this genre this would be at the top of my to purchase list. Pretty linear on my skin and lasts a good 6-8 hours. I think this could be considered a safe niche purchase especially if you enjoy DHE and PL’H. For originality it’s not very. Although a wonderful scent for the price it won’t be groundbreaking. I could see average joe really liking this but a niche fraghead could tear this to shreds for its mass appeal. For what it is I’d say it’s pretty freaking good. Overall I’d give this a 7.5/10. It performs well but not above average and it’s not a new concept for a fragrance. Take it down for the price of $175 for 100ml. If you are looking for stellar niche quality juice with designer mass appeal then give this one a look.