The Parfumo Developer Blog
2 years ago - 17.06.2022
1 5
Historical Parfumo data now at Research

Historical Parfumo data now at Research

When we started Parfumo Research almost 10 years ago, we could not have imagined that it would lead to the most comprehensive perfume directory. However, there was a time before that! In the early years of Parfumo, we had a similar system for adding new perfumes.

While digging through old backups, I was now able to find this data and successfully integrate it into Research. This now makes it possible to track new proposals and corrections that date back more than 12 years - including the original sources and comments.

For the information contributed back then, the respective users receive ParfumoPoints retroactively - just in case there is surprise about the sudden changes. šŸ˜‰

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