

GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 4 months ago
Hey! 🥰 Just stopping by to say that I've enjoyed reading through some of your articles. I appreciate the thoughtful, honest, descriptive nature of your writing - I could picture the fragrances as you were describing them, and I look forward to seeing what else you share about! 💖
TelekinecTelekinec 4 months ago
Oh many thanks for those kind words 💞. I'm happy to hear that my articles ring authentic as this is what I'm striving for. I have a couple of ideas in stock and I'll be happy to hear your comments when I release my future articles! 😀
Azahar81Azahar81 8 months ago
Hello Telekinec,
Thank you very much for your kind words in my article, they have made me feel very flattered, as well as your encouragement to continue experimenting.
Kind regards.
MRothMRoth 1 year ago
*offers poro snax* Welcome to the sniffy bridge!
TelekinecTelekinec 1 year ago
Hey thanks for the welcome :D *munches on the snack*
SüchtigSüchtig 1 year ago
Ein herzliches willkommen bei den
Duft ver-rückten. Schönes schnüffeln wünsch ich ❤️
TelekinecTelekinec 1 year ago
Hey! Thanks a lot 😊 I don’t speak german, but was able to translate!
DonVanVlietDonVanVliet 1 year ago
A heartfelt welcome to Parfumo! We are so happy to have you here and we hope that you will enjoy your time with us. 😊
TelekinecTelekinec 1 year ago
Oh wow thanks for the warm welcome :D. Yeah I'm so glad I have discovered this website and I hope I can contribute the best that I can!