10 Reviews
BR540 from a Happy Meal
This is hot garbage. Does it smell like BR540 extrait ? Yes the same way a mcdonalds cheeseburger and the best gourmet burger are both burgers. The quality is really quite awful. The opening has way too much and way to bitter of an almond note, but its pleasant, its doesn’t smell like BR, but its not bad. After about an hour, when it dries down is when it gets bad…i get this almost body odor like salty ambergris, that is not apparent in the original and the longer it sits on the skin, the worst it gets. Even if you never tried BR540 exrait, it will be immediately apparent to you, that it shouldn’t/doesn’t smell like this. This fragrance also gave me an allergic reaction when i put it on my skin, I got this red rash wherever I sprayed it. I thought it was just me, but I gave some to a friend to try and the exact same thing happened. I don’t think these cheaper middle eastern companies give a bollocks about it being safe and allergen free. I would highly discourage you from buying this. I personally returned my bottle.