

Damon008 5 months ago 13 2
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Is it really you?
You remind me of someone. Those almonds, those citrusy notes. Aren't you... oh, what the hell. Glad you're here.

A true summer dream for me. Fresh enough to wear in high temperatures. With a slight sweetness so that you can also wear it to a party. Whether white T or white shirt with chinos. It works.

If I could choose a summer fragrance from my collection, it would definitely be this one. Guerlain has done it again. I am thrilled.

A few words about the fragrance. It starts out sparkling and citrusy. The almond is still a little hidden at the beginning. I was a little impatient at the beginning but it joins in soon. It loses some of its effervescence over time and becomes a little creamier and therefore more elegant. That's how it stays for me and that's a good thing.

What else is important. It lasts. It has always lasted a whole working day for me.

I wrote above that it is a summer dream. It is, but it can be used flexibly. Of course, it also works in spring and nobody will turn their nose up at it in fall either. If I need a good mood, I wear it in December too. That's exactly what this fragrance does to me - it puts me in a good mood.

I'm a huge fan of the range and I'm delighted to have it in my collection.