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Warning Signs

Warning Signs 9 months ago 9

I wanted to share some health info related to heart problems.  I had a heart attack last month (I'm recovering well), and I learned the warning signs for men and women are different.

Men- never ignore unusual or intense chest pain or pain in your left arm.

Women- never ignore unusual or intense pain in your jaw, either arm, chest, back, abdomen.  Women are more likely to have no warning signs at all.  So, it is important to have blood work done annually.

While I'm older (56), there was a woman, aged 27, in the room next to me, who had gone into cardiac arrest due to a blockage in the aorta.  She had no warning signs at all.  So- take care of yourselves.  I strongly advise against heart attacks.

9 months ago 3

@KathrynA66 oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your heart attack!! Glad to know you're recovering well, hoping you can continue to quickly recover ❤️

Really appreciate you bringing to light the differences between the symptoms men and women experience. A family member of mine had a heart attack and she did not know it, until she went in for a different surgery!

I need to take better care of myself, since I eat lots of "comfort foods" 😬🙈 so this was a good reminder for me - thank you.

Last edited by Gourmandgrl on 13.08.2023, 19:06; edited 1 time in total
9 months ago 2

Wow, sorry to hear that. Get well soon!

Since years I want to learn about signs to watch out on oneself or other (heart attack, stroke, first aid.... Thank you for this reminder.  And take care of yourself!

9 months ago 2

That is so awful! It must have come as a total shock, especially since people aren't that aware of the warning signs in women. I hope you are recovering well 💖

9 months ago 2

On so sad to hear this Cathryn. Take good care and now you should attend the matter with your heart doctor. Thank you for the symptom list I had no idea that symptoms vary from men to women. Enjoy your holiday!

9 months ago 1

Yeah I was with my dad when he had his it was a horrible day. He had his own business at the time and the stress was what done it. 

It freaks me out thinking about that day. 

Glad you are doing better. Take care. 

9 months ago 2

So sorry to hear of your health scare, but happy that you're recovering well!  Thank you for posting these warning signs as well, I knew they were different for women than for men, but not the exact ones, only that they can be more varied for women.  Hope you continue to improve swiftly!  

9 months ago 2

Hi KatrynA66,

glad to hear you are recovering well. Thanks for bringing this important information to our attention. This is one of my fears (Fem- mid 50´s) as heart disease it runs in my family. 

9 months ago 2

Hi @KathrynA66,

I'm sorry to hear about your heartattack and happy you are doing well now! 

It is true that signs differ between men and women. I also read that women can feel nauseous prior to an attack. Not to scare anyone ofcourse, but if you can't relate nausea to something else and are known to have heart related issues, it is good to keep that in mind as well. 

Thanks for sharing, and take good care, Kathryn!!

9 months ago 1

Thank you for all the kind words.  They are much appreciated.  I'm recovering well.  I just wanted to share what I learned about women and heart disease.  

9 months ago 1

Yeah I was with my dad when he had his it was a horrible day. He had his own business at the time and the stress was what done it. 

It freaks me out thinking about that day. 

Glad you are doing better. Take care. 

@Mitchcraft  I think witnessing a heart attack can be scarier than having one.  I hope your dad is okay!

9 months ago 1

Yeah I was with my dad when he had his it was a horrible day. He had his own business at the time and the stress was what done it. 

It freaks me out thinking about that day. 

Glad you are doing better. Take care. 

@Mitchcraft  I think witnessing a heart attack can be scarier than having one.  I hope your dad is okay!

Yeah I was still in my teens when it happened too. 

He is better heart wise thanks but he has a whole other disease now to deal with,  Parkinson’s, but that’s a whole different thing. 

The one thing I remember him being told that he liked was that exercise in the *Ahem evening was good for recovery from his heart attack so I bet he enjoyed that part of it 😆. 

Did they put you on Beta Blockers? I am on them and think they have saved me from a heart attack once or twice. They help a lot with keeping you from panicking also which helps.

In all seriousness though take your time and get better, you will be out and about  and get back to the way things were in time. 👍😊

9 months ago 1

@KathrynA66 I'm so sorry you experienced a heart attack but so glad and relieved to hear you're on the mend.  Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge; you are saving lives!  My mom had a few heart attacks, and she complained of extreme nausea during the first one.  I'm always checking in on my heart given my mother's history.  I agree with you, we all need to have our annual exams and blood work.

9 months ago 1

Yeah I was with my dad when he had his it was a horrible day. He had his own business at the time and the stress was what done it. 

It freaks me out thinking about that day. 

Glad you are doing better. Take care. 

@Mitchcraft  I think witnessing a heart attack can be scarier than having one.  I hope your dad is okay!

Yeah I was still in my teens when it happened too. 

He is better heart wise thanks but he has a whole other disease now to deal with,  Parkinson’s, but that’s a whole different thing. 

The one thing I remember him being told that he liked was that exercise in the *Ahem evening was good for recovery from his heart attack so I bet he enjoyed that part of it 😆. 

Did they put you on Beta Blockers? I am on them and think they have saved me from a heart attack once or twice. They help a lot with keeping you from panicking also which helps.

In all seriousness though take your time and get better, you will be out and about  and get back to the way things were in time. 👍😊

Yes, beta-blockers and blood thinners.  Thank you! 🙂

9 months ago

@KathrynA66 I'm so sorry you experienced a heart attack but so glad and relieved to hear you're on the mend.  Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge; you are saving lives!  My mom had a few heart attacks, and she complained of extreme nausea during the first one.  I'm always checking in on my heart given my mother's history.  I agree with you, we all need to have our annual exams and blood work.

Good for you!!  An ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound (or 5) of cure.  I learned the hard way.

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