
2 Reviews

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Evoked memories.
Just wanted to share a piece of my happiness and my impressions about this little lilac treasure with you.
But first let me ask a question. Do you also have perfumes that really triggers something in your memory? Particular events or feelings? The feel of it that hits you like it was just yesterday?
I think I experienced it so strong for the first time. Perfume not just triggered memories but all the feelings around it. It was so heartwarming that i had tears.
First time i sprayed perfume in the store and immediately ran away with full bottle.
Amouage lilac love...
Memory of a happy childhood…
I will mention right away that lilac is very popular where i came from and we had trees growing not far from my parents house.
Perfume immediately gave me this feel:
Early morning. Air is still very fresh but first sun rays already shining bright. I am going to kindergarten with my mum and she is firmly holding my hand. Her hand is steady and warm and gives me such a comforting feeling. We are passing lilac trees and I’m squinting from sun rays but trying to see beautiful lilac well. It smells so good. I am totally happy and looking forward to the kindergarten. Looking forward to the moment when all kids will sit at the table and wait when our chubby and such a sweet cook lady will bring big aluminum pan with cacao. She will pour hot cacao that is almost bubbling in a glasses and we will happily giggle and look forward to this nice and sweet and warming glass. No worries but just pure happiness...
Just for that forgotten memory that was pulled out of from deep inside i will be forever grateful to perfume passion.
Because at the end it makes me truly happy❤️