
240 Reviews

Helpful Review
Snuggly Fresh
This is a cozy warm dryer sheet scent with phenomenal sillage. This is not really soapy like many of the other fragrances from the clean line. Warm Cotton is much more of a soothing floral blend that will seem familiar and airy to most. On me it also seems to make me feel very sleepy and ready for naptime. Bring on the apple juicy sippy cups and graham crackers...I feel like I'm back in Kindergarten...and it feels pretty good to escape back in time once in a while, actually. I found that one spritz of this will fresh a whole 10 x 8 ft. room for 2-4 hours. I also found that this scent will sometimes induce a massive headache and cause people around me to start sneezing on occasion. Wear with caution a little of this juice goes a long way. The over all effect is a pleasant clean musky powdery scent, that can't ever smell dirty no matter how it might try. I keep a travel size of this in my bag, because if I found myself and 100 other people stranded some place without running water and soap, like on "Lost"...this would come in handy for at least the first 2 seasons.