What I regret about this scent:
Its name, Luna, and the silvery lilac tone of the liquid evoke such tremendously strong associations with summer forest nights in me that I have never been able to wear this fragrance during the day until now - on the contrary, I always reserve it for the most special summer nights, because it is my most beautiful summer night dream fragrance.
The associations are many, and many perfumes and perfumas associate similar things, as the fantastic comments on this fragrance show: Elves and glades. Lemonade and gin. Bright moonlight and cool roses. Luna and Endymion. Let's group these associations into categories and bring a little order into them:
- Figures: elves, fairies, gods
- Plot: dancing
- Setting: Moonlight, forest clearing
- dominant colour nuances: silvery, milky
- Rations: Lemonade, gin
- Plants: roses
Well - it's kind of interesting to wonder why so many intelligent, adult people indulge in fantasies of mysterious nature beings, mystical moonlight, nightly dances in forest clearings with this fragrance. And I cannot deny this effect at all - I am so caught up in fantasies myself that I can only wear this fragrance late in the evening or at night. What is Luna doing to us?
I think that no different from generations of poets of the Romantic era, we too fall victim to the allure of the unfathomable, the allure of the unclear, the ambiguous, the premonitions of the archetypal - the moon goddess Luna, the Great Mother, Mother Earth, Celtic and Roman mythological fragments are mixed together to form an unbelievably mysterious image of true femininity, the original, actual, real femininity. Thus it is an image that pretends to approach an authentic form of one's own existence, to reinforce and extract it from everything irrelevant and obsolete that the unpoetic everyday life spreads over it. It is thus above all identity-creating moments that follow the associative observation of the Luna bottle, and this may well be the secret of its success.
But above all Luna gives herself as a secret. Whether I think of Puck from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" or of secret rituals of Celtic priestesses, of witches on Blocksberg Mountain or of the delicate fairies of my childhood - Luna associatively connects us with mystical beings who do not touch our reality in any way and yet are so close to what might seem to be the secret goal of our quest: the silence of untouched nocturnal nature, the supposed source for the realization of our innermost wishes and desires.
And this is where the scent comes in: Citrus-fresh, brightly awake, tangy, full of fantasy, the beautiful, unforgettable top note appears, perhaps the most beautiful combination of classic citrus fruits I know: as without sweetness, as tart and fresh as a bath in the cool moonlight.
Then YOU use the actual forest notes, the deliciously spicy elements that seem to conjure up a distillate of the deepest, most inaccessible forest from this fragrance in the blink of an eye: Notes of the pristine rose that blooms in secret, floral-fine and elegant, and juniper, that spicy note that is as characteristic of the shrubs of a forest as gin.
Thus a path is paved into the untrodden, unreached, inaccessible part of the forest, which triggers the longing, which is surrounded by the myth of the subconscious, which releases the fear of the unknown. And this path is beautiful! It is covered with moss and soft, damp and cool this moss feels under your feet. It is bright, illuminated by the silvery moonlight and clearly recognizable. It has a pleasant scent of roses and juniper, and is surrounded by tall, rustling fir trees, whose resin and needle smell releases a soothing spice that induces a sense of well-being.
This is the basis of the fragrance: fine, natural-looking, warm fir extract that plays with the resinous richness of amber.
The path through the forest that Luna paves is a gift to us, free and easy and romantic and beautiful. A little bit of Luna, this fragrance, this bottle, this silvery liquid, the captured moonlight - a piece of the way to the innermost self.
Luna is a great perfume metaphor