Shaghaf Oud Elixir 2024

10.03.2024 - 10:06 PM
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The older brother who wants nothing to do with his little brother!

As I am a huge fan of Shaghaf Oud Eau de Parfum, I had to order a bottle of the new Shaghaf Oud Elixir as soon as I heard about the new release. After waiting for a while until there was finally an offer in the souk for a bottling, my 5 ml bottling was now in front of me. I hadn't been as excited about a fragrance as this one for a long time.
So cap off, *spray* *spray*. *Spray* ... BOAH.

After the very first spray, my entire apartment was flooded with the familiar DNA of Shaghaf Oud Eau de Parfum. Anyone who rates the sillage of this fragrance below a 9.0 would do well to consult an ENT doctor.
It is a similar story with the longevity. As with its predecessor Shaghaf Oud Eau de Parfum, this is very good, but even better in this case due to the higher concentration of fragrance oils.

So far so good, now we come to the most important point. And that is the fragrance.
Let's keep it short. I find the predecessor (unfortunately?) much better.
The DNA of its predecessor is not as clearly recognizable as I had imagined.
It's only after a while that the characteristics of the younger brother also become apparent in the older brother. In the first half hour, the two fragrances don't have much in common; the new Shaghaf Oud Elixir could even pass as a separate fragrance in the Shaghaf Oud range from Swiss Arabian during this period. The elixir is therefore very different from its predecessor, although the basic DNA becomes more present after a while.

I would describe the fragrance as follows:

Take the predecessor Shaghaf Oud Eau de Parfum, and throw in twice the amount of oud. Unfortunately, this is a very synthetic oud, which remains very synthetic and even slightly pungent at times throughout the entire fragrance. We also throw in double the amount of chocolate, but this time dark chocolate!
The rose remains the same in terms of concentration, but becomes slightly more floral in the course of the fragrance than its predecessor.
The rest is not noticeably changed.

All in all, I am rather disappointed with the new release due to the very present synthetic oud, as it makes the fragrance, which always seemed so high-quality, appear very cheap. However, I am a huge fan of the new chocolate, which comes across as a very dark chocolate as described above!

Unfortunately, the fragrance doesn't convince me to buy the full bottle.
However, I will still really enjoy walking the streets
with my 5 ml bottling (and especially the closed rooms!) to make unsafe.

(By the way, the bottle is already available on the homepage for just under 70€ free shipping. But not on!)