Brassy Sun-In hair and orange push-up pops
I don't want to call this a novelty scent because that's a little dismissive, but it is definitely the sort of thing that one might wear to evoke a very particular nostalgia. In my case, it's being locked outside in the afternoon heat of childhood summer vacations; my mother would hand us each a sticky, effervescent orange push-up pop, and send us outside to, ostensibly, get us out of her hair. The door wasn't actually locked behind us, but it felt like to seek entry back indoors would be risking the sort of fury and frustration on the part of our mother, that as children, we feared immeasurably. So there's that syrupy, citrusy, fizziness, the scent of fresh-cut grass and chopped-up jasmine from the lawnmower, a sort of soapy green honeysuckle note, and a bit of a chemical-plasticky element, that you will recognize if you have ever had your damp, brassy, freshly Sun-Ined hair, drying in the sunshine on a sweltering Florida day. I don't know that this scent is very wearable, but I am glad that I got a chance to sniff it.