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Oops, I did it again!
From now on, always blindly souvenir? Yes, that would actually be the consequence I would have to draw from my latest outrage in blind buying (but certainly only this very last time...)! Because if I hadn't struck, I would have missed a very special scent - and that would have been a shame.
But from the beginning: Package arrives and, as always, is opened with this very special mixture of anticipation and a bad conscience - a feeling that creeps up on me when I break the rule I have imposed on myself: FIRST test, then buy, violate.
The first spray of course lands immediately on my wrist and pooh, Wäääh, what is that????? I wrinkle my nose and even consider that the scent could be tilted, so violently a herbaceous top note stings me in the nose. For me it smells like lovage or dill - it is not bitter-green, but a little sweetish. The pyramid reveals: Tarragon and yes, I can believe that too. I take the precaution of taking my nose a little further away from my wrist and HOLLA, what is that? Within practically seconds the fragrance is quite simply spoken: wonderful!
Herbaceous, mossy, green, spicy, a hint of balsamic. For me, however, the component in the middle of the green beauty of the forest is something that I search in vain in the pyramid: sage. And it is bedded in hay: a freshly opened pack of high-quality hay-flower teas, with fresh sage leaves lightly ground in the middle. Vetiver - which I love - and tobacco - which I fear - support the fragrance - the oak moss is very delicate and almost fluffy for my nose. I've never smelled a fragrance with that special hay vetiver tobacco oakmoss note before.
It is an unusual and eye-catching fragrance, but still wearable. It is certainly wonderful for men - but also for women, provided one is not fixated on powdery-sweet.
"For me, "Vie de Château Intense" is a natural fragrance, but not dreamy-soft, but original and blunt. But not harsh or rough, but carried warm by this wonderful hay note. By the way, the scent doesn't even have a daisy in it for me - and I think that's a good thing! Meanwhile, after wearing it three times and spraying it x times in my enthusiasm, I also love the impetuous beginning - and advise all testers not to be deterred by it!
PS: My husband, who rarely comments on fragrances I wear, was VERY taken with and sniffed every time he entered the room. Let's see, maybe I'll share the new sweetheart too.... sometime...