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A soft "Hello" ...
Hello ... does no one smell me, does nobody notice me? "screams" a little Violet at the side of the road. Obviously, nobody is interested. People rush by and pay no attention. Cars and bicycles narrowly pass by and disrespectfully spread their dust. Violet's fresh and beautiful aroma now turns powdery and soft.
Sadly the little flower lowers her head and reminisces as so many times. Earlier, yes earlier, a great forest stood here and generously provided its fresh shade. Little violets gathered in a family together with many friends. And people were enchanted and appreciated their delicate beauty. Then, one day, loud and menacing machines appeared. All the little flowers were simply sacrificed. The whole big forest with its large trees had to give way. Humans much preferred a new road and a shopping center to indulge in their endless shopping mania. Now, only little Violet is left standing. Next to her is her friend, Mr. Shrub. He is the only one who still offers the shade needed and he enjoys her company. Ah, the good old times ... when people loved her delicate aroma, her lovely purple appearance, and never could have enough. Little girls collected clusters, little bouquets were offered in baskets at the town square market and ladies pinned a corsage to enjoy that lovely scent.
Today. Now she must tremble, afraid that nobody steps on her, that no strange dogs pee on her, or that some rubbish is disposed on her. But a small consolation remains. There are still people who know about her delicate beauty and find joy in it. And as long as this continues, she will remain inside the battle, along with the big scents.
And while she ponders, she hears the deep friendly voice of her neighbor, Mr. Shrub. Don't be sad, little Violet, you will see, one day when the humans have finished covering almost everything with concrete, they will again seek out your beauty and give you the spot you deserve.
As a beautiful small flower with a soft, fresh and timeless scent. Be patient, little Violet, be patient.
(Translation: Pipette)
Sadly the little flower lowers her head and reminisces as so many times. Earlier, yes earlier, a great forest stood here and generously provided its fresh shade. Little violets gathered in a family together with many friends. And people were enchanted and appreciated their delicate beauty. Then, one day, loud and menacing machines appeared. All the little flowers were simply sacrificed. The whole big forest with its large trees had to give way. Humans much preferred a new road and a shopping center to indulge in their endless shopping mania. Now, only little Violet is left standing. Next to her is her friend, Mr. Shrub. He is the only one who still offers the shade needed and he enjoys her company. Ah, the good old times ... when people loved her delicate aroma, her lovely purple appearance, and never could have enough. Little girls collected clusters, little bouquets were offered in baskets at the town square market and ladies pinned a corsage to enjoy that lovely scent.
Today. Now she must tremble, afraid that nobody steps on her, that no strange dogs pee on her, or that some rubbish is disposed on her. But a small consolation remains. There are still people who know about her delicate beauty and find joy in it. And as long as this continues, she will remain inside the battle, along with the big scents.
And while she ponders, she hears the deep friendly voice of her neighbor, Mr. Shrub. Don't be sad, little Violet, you will see, one day when the humans have finished covering almost everything with concrete, they will again seek out your beauty and give you the spot you deserve.
As a beautiful small flower with a soft, fresh and timeless scent. Be patient, little Violet, be patient.
(Translation: Pipette)