
34 Reviews

The truly "your skin but better" experience
This one is quiet difficult to describe. I am understanding now the reviews which were dissapointed at first but they end finding it quite sexy in time!
I have the roll-on version (very good quality, the ball is metallic). From the bottle, it smells very incensy. I like darker perfumes and I am in love with Habanita. My sister, who is more into citrics and florals, said it smells intense and with the black Habanita directly she chokes, it was too strong for her xD.
The aplication is a lemony blast. It smells like floral lemons. Then, it becomes literally transparent and I can't smell anything. At all. Then, if I sniff my arm, I can smell very lighthly something incensy, like if I have washed my arm with an Habanita soap and thats is what it remains. I was going to came here to rave. It was literally your skin but better, like if you werent wearing any perfume, just your recent washed skin. Sincerily I wasnt seeing the point of such a subtle perfume having the main version.
Then, a subtle but noticeable cloud of incense was around my arm. In this stage it last some more time and I think is their algid point. The Incense became more noticeable but it is always more your skin that emanates this misterious smell. Is a floral and very nice incense. My sister smelled my arm and she was very surprised, she loved it and couldnt believe it was the roll-on version because it smells strong to her! It is strange but although my fav snell is the sdxy dark conclnctuon, I can feel more sexy in this one because it is more misterious the effect of your skin, the og is in your face being misterious, like you are acting very femme-fatale on purpose, when this one is more sensual subtle.
In time it becomes soapier, like a white floral musky jasmin cream or something. I don't know where, but O swear is a very familiar smell to me and at the same time misterious. It is a little like a skin care cream, a little lemon cake, very clean musky floral. The colour of the bottle and the name are perfect. The smell is like Habanita, but she is white now, even transparent, like an spirit. I still prefer the black big sister, but this one is more versatile.
I have the roll-on version (very good quality, the ball is metallic). From the bottle, it smells very incensy. I like darker perfumes and I am in love with Habanita. My sister, who is more into citrics and florals, said it smells intense and with the black Habanita directly she chokes, it was too strong for her xD.
The aplication is a lemony blast. It smells like floral lemons. Then, it becomes literally transparent and I can't smell anything. At all. Then, if I sniff my arm, I can smell very lighthly something incensy, like if I have washed my arm with an Habanita soap and thats is what it remains. I was going to came here to rave. It was literally your skin but better, like if you werent wearing any perfume, just your recent washed skin. Sincerily I wasnt seeing the point of such a subtle perfume having the main version.
Then, a subtle but noticeable cloud of incense was around my arm. In this stage it last some more time and I think is their algid point. The Incense became more noticeable but it is always more your skin that emanates this misterious smell. Is a floral and very nice incense. My sister smelled my arm and she was very surprised, she loved it and couldnt believe it was the roll-on version because it smells strong to her! It is strange but although my fav snell is the sdxy dark conclnctuon, I can feel more sexy in this one because it is more misterious the effect of your skin, the og is in your face being misterious, like you are acting very femme-fatale on purpose, when this one is more sensual subtle.
In time it becomes soapier, like a white floral musky jasmin cream or something. I don't know where, but O swear is a very familiar smell to me and at the same time misterious. It is a little like a skin care cream, a little lemon cake, very clean musky floral. The colour of the bottle and the name are perfect. The smell is like Habanita, but she is white now, even transparent, like an spirit. I still prefer the black big sister, but this one is more versatile.