When I began last autumn to focus my attention on individual fragrant objects of desire, Citron Fig seemed to me to be the ultimate in a perfect summer scent: fresh. Bright. Sparkling. Citric. Sweet. Long lasting. Invigorating. Clarifying. Elegant. Chic.
I thought: buy Citron Fig and smell the summer forever, start the bright, warm hours early in the morning with that extremely harmonious citrus note and stay awake and fresh the rest of the day, in a good mood and concentrated, one with the idea of a bottled mirror of my summer mood. Seldom is a fig as clear and yet at the same time as unobtrusive as in Citron Fig, a lemon as tangy and bell-like, a ginger-cardamom-spice note so gently cushioned by sweet tangerine fruit juice, so clean all around. Rarely does a citrus scent last this long, four, five hours and beyond, developing so wonderfully warm into a wooden base that provides a strong, spicy base for all those flying, fruity, citrusy capers.
Citron Fig is, I thought, perfect for all time, and I bought it full of anticipation for the summer.
But as different as life is this summer, as different is the fragrance for me. What has changed is very much, and Citron Fig has lost its abilities somewhere in this endless loop of constantly new problems: the fragrance seems flat, identity-less, empty, as if it can only develop its full effect where a reception committee is already waiting for it. In this respect, I find it opportunistic: it can't even arouse a good mood, lift the spirits, give the ultimate freshness kick in the morning. Basically, he can only mirror what is already there - and so he seems like a quiet copy of last year's fragrance experience, a stale prosecco as a substitute for a great champagne.
Citron Fig is an extremely balanced, harmonious summer scent. However, it is not a magic ingredient that awakens wanderlust, lures you to other shores or invites you to daydream. It is a clean fragrance that needs a dominant carrier. It is a reserve fragrance.
Inventory 2019:
This is my job,
this is my stress,
here is my vacation
in a cottage in Wales.
Clean Reserve Citron Fig:
my fig, my lemon,
i got on the skin
fixes this freshness.
Fixed here with this
precious sweetness,
which I use as a mirror
of the sun.
My morning is warm
and sunny and early,
my evening secret
and starlight clear.
the night is my sheet,
the moon is my pillow,
freshness becomes sweetness,
it lasts until morning.
Two, three cigarettes,
a glass of red wine, a book,
a few spicy notes,
a wooden ending,
i almost never argue,
i complain a lot,
my fig, lemon,
my wealth, a lot of blindness
Inventory 2020:
My lemon, my fig
my cowardice, my silence
i have my place of work
not seen since March.
My relaxation, my calm,
no stress and no vacation,
still a morning,
little heat, little light.
No smoking, no red wine,
no being healthy, no waking up,
still the stars,
but I'm not there
My lemon, my fig
my cowardice, my silence
my fears, my masks,
they close their mouths.
To the familiar I have
sprayed my scent
Who I can save, I won't save
No fig, no lemon
Only cowardice, only silence