This One Is Special
I would venture to guess about a year ago, I’d stumbled upon this Roja on a YouTube video. At that time, with the price of Rojas, I paid it no mind, aside from wondering if it had anything to do with A Midsummer Nights Dream. I recall wondering that and immediately being transported back to my youth of high school. Given we read this amid several Shakespeare works, but that having been about 30 years ago, I didn’t recall the work itself, though recall how I felt around that time. Somewhat recently,
I found a “unicorn” fragrance in Royal Crown’s Sultan… so much so, I regretted buying a 50 ml, rather than 100 ml. I decided to buy another 50 ml and while that sat in my online cart for a couple days, I again stumbled upon this fragrance on YouTube. I immediately had that reminiscent feeling again and had to learn more.
The feeling that memory gave me was one of warmth, love, feeling the invigorating feeling of being in a forest. In those younger days I was in love with the idea of being in love and spent a lot of time hiking through local forests, so it very well could be that I’d had very loosely connected memories to that time frame rather than the work itself.
After pondering the price at roughly 180 usd for the 100 ml for a couple days I decided to make the purchase. I must admit as the last 4 or so days passed by, having not tested A Midsummer Dream prior, I was a tad worried and began thinking “what if I finally get a fragrance delivered and I just don’t like it… and it’s one I paid nearly 200 bucks for?” Well it arrived yesterday, and those apprehensive fears were absolutely not realized.
I have found my second unicorn fragrance. My immediate thoughts upon spraying this was “wow, this smells exactly how I feel while trying to recall the play, and only being able to recall how I felt, generally, around that time - the warmth, the peace, calm, and invigorating feeling of being in the forest, and smells like the most well blended love ever!” I additionally thought “what the heck am I going to do with all my fragrances now?” - if I am to be honest, wearing this for several hours yesterday, and again today, makes me feel as though I don’t even want to bother with most of the 325 or so fragrances in my collection.
I typically am not much of a fan of fragrances that are on the greener side of the spectrum. I would consider this to be quite green. However, this is absolutely magical and is an absolute masterpiece and within the top 10 or so fragrances I’ve ever smelled. There have been times where I’ve seen and experienced fragrances that have a massive list of notes and while I’ve come across very few fragrances I didn’t like, more times than not, when there are too many notes, the blends can tend to be messy, lackluster, too heavy or not heavy enough on one or several notes. Now I see… or smell… or both when taking into account the lovely bottle - why it is that some praise Roja Dove. This is a magic potion I wish I could swim in. I want to smell like this, I want every scent to smell like this. This is that magical in my opinion. I can’t stop smelling my arms, it is simply the most amazing fragrance and between this and a couple other new purchases, picking fragrances such that I put them all to use is going to be extraordinarily difficult because I’m going to want to wear this every darn day. Bravo, Roja, bravo!