32 Reviews
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Aromatic tuberose
As I am currently on a Spring scent kind of discovery journey, my current favorite for Spring is My Way. I crave florals and citrusy scents in Spring. This one is a definite floral. It’s all about the tuberose. Orange blossom plays a second violin and blends spectacularly well with tuberose- the main note here featured prominently. To me it smells almost aromatic, as if I can smell some spice here along the lines of cardamom, but it could just be how tuberose smells. It’s not very sweet and does not need it. The bottle is exquisitely pretty with a cobalt blue precious stone like top and a pink colored liquid inside. The two colors together look very original and very enticing but elegant. It’s a very elegant perfume, and you could wear it to a wedding, if you wished, or to a fairy party for tea and magical dessert:) It’s a daytime scent for me. It’s sophisticated but innocent at the same time. A really great recent designer release in my opinion. Sometimes you don’t want some weird combination of notes and this sophisticated elegant simplicity is exactly what makes you feel so pretty and also uplifted.
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